Elks Home.

Click here for their application for National historic status which gives an extensive background on the history of the Home.

Updated 01/21/2015

1905 1908 1919 The library
Christmas card 1909 1938 Panorama photo 1915
Library Lobby 1907  

"In 1902, The Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks purchased the Hotel Bedford in a bankruptcy sale.  The Elks National Home was dedicated May 21, 1903 with over 5,000 Elks from around the Country in attendance.  In the beginning, the Home was established for "indigent" Elks and they were supported by their subordinate lodges and the Grand Lodge.  Today, although the home is supported in part by the Order, the residents are financially self-sustaining and pay the charges established by the Board of Grand Trustees. Their subordinate lodges are not responsible for any charges. " Story continues here

Here is GER Rush Holland's 1909 report to the Grand Lodge convention meeting in Los Angeles. Interesting review of the Home's status. He concludes that the Home is located to far away from population centers and that the city of Bedford is too small to support the members there (about 90 at the time ). There was nothing to do. no entertainment etc. Click here for this 8 meg pdf file uploaded 1/21/15.

Note that on Sept 1, 2014 that the Elks sold the Home to a private operator. Currently (Jan 2015) it is named English Meadow Elks Home.

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