It won't be long until your adventure in Hope Valley
all have ended. I trust you made a few good friends and the staff
there will have been of immense value in helping you deal with your addiction.
I know it has been a real eye opener for me and I have learned a great
deal in understanding substance abuse--which I feel strongly now should
be viewed as a family disease.
On one hand, I know that if our own family had not
been embroiled in divorce, our own addictions, which I'm sure confused
you, and we had been this wholesome, happy family, the odds of your embracing
narcotics would be lessened. Unfortunately, that was not the case,
but the fact is that you decided to do drugs. We didn't make
did it on your own.
Now, you have found out that you have the disease
of addiction. I need to know how I am going to overcome your past
abuse of my trust.
You have four choices concerning where you are going
to live for the short term. First is jail, which you might get a
stay in thanks to violating your parole. Second is your mom's, third
is with me and fourth is somewhere else.
Then the question will be you working sufficiently
enough to reduce the significant amount of indebtedness you've acquired.
I think that with a full time and part time job that it will only take
a matter of months to become financially stable. This is a position
that, given your recent history, you should feel very fortunate (thanks
to your mom and I) for you to be in. Working will solve another problem
you will have, which is excess time that makes it too easy to slide back
into drug abuse.
Finally, you will have to think long term.
What's a career to go after? Then there's family love, life and a
whole host of wonderful decisions that only those in control have the courage
to face.
Trust me son, none of this is rocket scientist stuff.
It's logical, it requires the discipline to say no and the courage of knowing
when to say yes.
Anyway, back to a plan. Assuming you won't
go to jail, you will need a place to stay. If you want to stay at
my house, you can for 3 months. There will be some rules, which are:
Love ya!
Letter was composed by Michael Jones just before Tommy
returned from Hope Valley