The State Convention was held in New Bern in 1912. Below are pictures of most of  the convention program pages plus the local newspaper articles . Special thanks to the late Franks Olgesby who allowed me to scan the program.  Some of the pictures with a lot of text may be hard to read. Sorry about that but I need to keep the files relatively small. I do have the original hi definition scan if anyone is seriously interested. Just e-mail

**** You can  download these pictures to your computer. Go to this link and follow the directions from Picasa.. That's helpful in order to really see the full picture.

Cover Inside cover pg 3. Oh! How I love an Elk pg 4
pg 5 pg 6 pg 7 pg 8
pg 9 Picture of Lodge pg 10 pg 11. History of New Bern pg 12
New Bern History (Hard to read on some screens) pg 13. ER of New Bern pg ? Members of Lodge pg ? New Bern Officer's
Lodge Room Music Room Pool Room Reception Hall
Program pg 1 Program pg 2 Sunday article 3 days before convention. top Sunday article 3 days before convention. btm of article.
NewBern1912SundayTop.jpg (229214 bytes) NewBern1912Sundaymiddle.jpg (317103 bytes)
Thursday article during convention. top Thursday article during convention. btm Friday article during convention Souvenir pin that is on display in New Bern.
NewBern1912ThursdayTop.jpg (982325 bytes) NewBern1912ThursdayBtm.jpg (425269 bytes) NewBern1912Friday.jpg (607388 bytes) DSC01007.JPG (29312 bytes)

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