The Heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future. |
This website will hopefully serve as a visual journey
through the rich history of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks from
inception in 1868 until the late 1940's.
To the left is the inscription on the entrance columns to our National Archives
which is located in Washington DC. These 16 words simply but succinctly
describe how our great country can avoid
repeating the errors of the past while utilizing our past successes as
a guideline for the future. This is also applicable to every organization.
The BPOE was (and still is) a leading fraternity back when men were defined
by who they were associated with. Hopefully, this collection of pictures
will serve those who seek to learn the passion that propelled the Elks to
the forefront of our society.
There are lots and lots of pictures of their homes and activities. It is a work in
progress and any ideas, comments or concerns are welcome by e-mailing
me at mikejonea2@yahoo.com . Also, if you have any pictures or data you would like to see added,
please let me know. For Salisbury NC #699 early history please click
here. Last updated
06/10/15 |
National Archives |
- Brief story on the Elks and how they started as the
Jolly Corks. In
word format. Click here. Also, The
Ashland Oregon Elks Lodge web site has an impressive history (with maps) on
the Jolly corks and Charles Vivian. Click
here for their
history link to the American Heritage Feb 2006 article
which can be read
- Download a book written by founder Charles Vivian's widow in 1904. Made possible by
Google's new book website this is a unique opportunity to read this very
rare book for FREE. It's a quick read and offers great insight to our founder.
Just click here
to go to Google's link to the downloadable file.
- Another
story posted on Thousand Oaks Elks
Lodge #2477. It's a nice short article and can be seen by clicking on the
history link.
- Here is a nice website with a comprehensive and unique history of the
Elks. By Bro Denis McGowan of Staten Island # 841
- Also another that was printed in
the Massachusetts State Association newspaper in 2003.
- The ideals of the Elks by Brother Tom Williams of Raleigh Elks Lodge.
Click here or here
text format.
- A
short but memorable poem titled "He's An Elk" . It really helps define what
Elks should be all about. Click
Click on picture to enlarge
the photo of our founder Charles Vivian. This was when he was 29.
You can download this 103 page
book his widow published in
1904. With
more old newspapers coming on line you can now find some of Charles
many engagements. For a Pinterest list, go to Follow John's board Charles Vivian on Pinterest. |
photo of most of the founders. From left to right
E.M.Platt, F.Langhorn, W.M.Carleton, W.W Shepard, R.R.Stirely, charles
Vivian, John T.Kent, M. Vandermark, ? Bosworth, M.G. Ashe. |
- The hour of 11 is a revered time for the Elks and as such many toasts were
- For the the Original Jolly corks toast click here
for a text file.
- Click
here for more toasts on the elks.org website.
- Click
for view of cover of 1908 toast book.
- Click here for
Elks Magazine 1931 page showing
radio stations around the country who featured the Toast at 11 p.m. on Monday
- Also, there are a number of 11 o'clock toast
postcards, some humorous that are saved here.
- An inspiring and well written article titled
" My Membership Card in the Elks" written by Robert Barrett,
chairman of the Good of the Order Committee. From the Jan 1932 Elks Magazine.
here for a Word document. Dr Barrett went on to become Grand Exalted
Ruler. He also donated the funds necessary to build the theatre at the Elks
Home which sadly was sold in 2014.
- An Elk is never forgotten ~ never
forsaken. Click
for a brief article on early Elk history and how important the principal of
brotherhood meant to it's members. he San Francisco
earthquake in 1906. How the Elks helped in that most horrific of natural
eobe fe
- Famous people who were/are Elks members.
- Major General Frederick Funston.
Medal of Honor winner, Commanding General of Pershing, Eisenhower,
Patton and MacArthur. Some say savior of San Francisco from fire
after 1906 earthquake. Click here
for the remarkable adventures of this courageous brother Elk. He was
presented with a gold life membership card in 1902 by his home lodge
Iola KS 569.
- General John Pershing. Click
here for more on this great Elk who
In return for his subsequent WWI
victories, President Wilson granted him the right to choose the specific time
for the Armistice, and as loyal and upright Elk, Pershing chose the 11th hour
of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918; an Elk imprint on the U.S.
- For an extensive list of famous politicians
click here. Also,
check out who's who at NY's 66th anniversary meeting. Click
here for more on that.
Hollywood and the Elks!
Check out the official program for the 1936 Movie pageant. Anybody who was
anybody in the motion picture business participated. Click here
for the official 16 page program. File is an 8 meg Adobe pdf file.
Just in ~ a 6 page
Sept 36 elks Magazine highlight article. 80,000 attend the pageant! Click
here for this file.
Miscellaneous old Elks post cards and
pictures. Many are comical and a few are just awesome pictures of
real Elks Click
here for 60+ great old pictures. |
- Old Elks pictures (mostly post
cards) by state and by lodge. While many of the early homes were
residences, lodges in larger cities were the
forerunner of modern hotel chains like the Holiday Inn. (click
here for 1926
list of lodges with accommodations and
here for Phila #2 ad) Hundreds of Lodges had
guest quarters for traveling Elks to stay. ( over 1500 images from
50 states!)
- Alabama(9),
Arizona(11), Alaska(6),
Colorado(34), Connecticut(18)
Delaware (1)
- Florida(31)
- Georgia(13)
- Hawaii(5)
- Indiana(53),
Illinois(43), Iowa(39), Idaho(7)
- Kansas(21), Kentucky(7)
- Louisiana(11)
- Maine(10), Maryland(5),
Mass(19), Michigan(35),
Minnesota(14), Missouri(22),
- New Hampshire(6), New York(72), North
Carolina(30), Nebraska(11), New Jersey(47),
North Dakota(12),
New Mexico(7), Nevada
- Ohio(47), Oklahoma(19),
- Pennsylvania(89)
- Rhode Island(5)
- South Dakota(12),
South Carolina(4)
- Tennessee(6), Texas(21)
- Utah(4)
- Vermont (2)
- Virginia(22)
- Washington(23), Washington D.C. Wisconsin(24), West Virginia(18)
- Outside of US. Click
here for 1922
elks magazine article entitled "Three Far flung Lodges". Good
stories on Guam, the Panama Canal and Anchorage AK.
- Panama Canal newsletter 1936. flag Day
program. Click here.
- Current pictures of Guam
and in 1934. The Agana, Guam Elks #1281 does have a webpage. Click
here to view it.
- Here are 4 different pictures of Manila ~Manila 1910's, Manila
1914, Manila PI early 20's,
Manila aerial view, Lodge #
is 761 and chartered in 1902. Their website can be found at
http://www.manilaelks.org, Nice
history page too. I particularly like the comment by the then GER who said
"Irrespective of whether the United States Constitution followed the flag
overseas, the Benevolent Order of the Elks
would follow the American Flag".
I wonder why permanent military bases
were never allowed to form Lodges (Germany, Italy, UK, etc). Seems like a
shame especially given the WWII lodges listed below.
here for
Guadalcanal Elks club article from May 1945 Elks magazine. Also, there was
a WW II lodge active called the New Hebrides Elks Lodge that was based
n Espiritu Santo Island. Click
here for the
Elks Magazine
first issue was June 1922. To see select
pages of this wonderful magazines first edition click
Old Elks Magazines for sale. My goal is to have
every Elks Magazine from June 1922 through Dec 1945. So far I am short 35
magazines but in the process of buying through Ebay, I also have 40+ extra
magazines. I'm looking to sell the extras or trade for what I'm
missing. For
that list, please click here. It's in adobe file format
and was last update 1/18/14. To contact me email mikejonea2@yahoo.com.
Elk Music. Most will be surprised to know that early Elks Lodges had
marching bands. At grand Lodge conventions, new music was written. You can click here to see the
few covers of music scores I have as well as download some of the sheet music. Also, some record covers are
pictured too. Several downloadable old songs are available as well including Leo
Wheet's Grand March which should be playing in the background if you are using
internet explorer to view this page.
Also, if anyone has an old Edison player (the music is on a medium blue roll
that looks a lot like a big hair curler) I have an old "Elk's March" and
"Elks Funeral Odes" recordings and would
love to have that recorded and transferred into an mpg.
Elks Home in Bedford Virginia. Click
Elks Home In Virginia for a few pictures(87) and
here for pictures on this site.
Sadly, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has sold the elks Home
for $4.5 million. Over 80 elderly and frail Elks will be now under the care of a
for-profit corporation and this 200 acre beautiful property that took a 100
years to cobble together will more then likely be split into tracts for housing
developments. That was effective September 1, 2014. The new name will be "English
Meadows Elks Home campus."
For the National Historic Home 2008 application
which lists a wealth of information of this century long crown jewel of Elkdom
go to
this link.
pictures that are large enough to reprint. Include Elks Creed, Best
People on Earth, the Charlotte Elks lodge degree team that installed numerous
lodges back in the 1900's. Two very neat WWII advertisements encouraging Elks to
help the cause and a gorgeous postcard of an elk and a mermaid giving the
11 o'clock toast. Click here to review and
The Elks Veteran Memorial is a
crown jewel of the Order. For more on this most impressive building the main
Elks site has an extensive portion of its website dedicated to it. Click
here to go to that site.
Flag Day.
here to see a picture of a large Flag Day resolution. Appears to be an
original color poster from the Grand Lodge 1919 convention. Bought by
PDDGER Ray Paradowski while antiquing in Montana and donated to the Salisbury
Elks Lodge. Large file at 300k.
List of Elks Lodges including
defunct lodges can be found by
clicking here
for a word document. (updated 1/11/11)
Thanks to Brother Norm Donovan of Los Banos, Ca Elks #2510 for this update.
However, there is quite a bit of information that he is missing on installation
and merger dates. Brother Norm asks you to email him at per2510@pacbell.net and
let him know if you see something amiss in his list.
State association beginnings- Click
here for
Mike Kelly's list. (also at Virginia elks website)
Other publications~
- The May 1926 Elks Magazine
reported that a book entitled "The Legends of the Roving Brothers"
was written and received there. It describes the adventures of the Secretary
to the Grand Exalted Ruler, John Kaufman of Columbus, OH and 5 other Elks
who traveled from Cleveland to Portland OR for the 1925 convention. This is
a most interesting 100 page travelog complete with many great pictures. This
adventure lasted 16 weeks! Excerpts from this book can be viewed
this last page out. Major cool |
- Also, "from Gardens of Friendship" written perhaps by
the GER is described in March 1935 Elks Magazine. Apparently, it was an
attempt to illustrate all the good works of the local lodges.
- Another extremely rare book is
Tour Through the West With the Jersey City Elks, No. 211 by
Van Loan, Ida A. This was published in 1910
and combined several weeks of travel by train around the country. The main
purpose was to attend the convention in Los Angeles in July of 1909. Reproductions can be bought at abebooks.com
. Downloaded at google books or by clicking
- Another travel book was published and was a duplicate of
the 1909 trip except there were THREE trains this time. Again, the
convention was in Los Angeles and this book is a lot more concise, has more
pictures in it and a lot less of a tedious read. It's titled "Seeing
America with the Elks" and written by Abraham Lincoln Weinstock.
Abebooks.com probably has a reproduction you can buy. A couple of stats from
the railroad boys " Largest organized long distant movement ever made" "8773
miles traveled", "22,583 meals were served". simply amazing.
- The Heart of Elkdom by Walter
F Meier of the Seattle Lodge. A combination of 52 articles that this great
Elk assembled sometime in the early 20's. I could only find 3 copies on a
search of the Library of congress.
- In Colorado, the The Rocky Mountain Herald
included Elks news in it's 1907 weekly newspaper. I have several but they are
too big to scan.
- Another was "The American Elk" published in
Detroit MI by Brother Williams. Also, the
Iowa Elk was
published in the early 1900's. Others still being published in 1928 were the
Pennsylvania Elk, The Pacific Coast Elk, The Eastern Elk, The Jolly Elk,
The Traveling Elk and the National Elks' Horn.
- The
California Elk weekly newspaper. Click
here for August 3rd,
1901 Issue. Great articles about the Milwaukee convention, the Honolulu Elks
Lodge and other Lodges. In Adobe pdf.
- The Southwestern Elk, a monthly
journal was authorized by Grand Lodge 1909. 9 x 12" @ $1.50 per year.
Published in Dallas TX. Hugh S Fy to be editor.
- The Elks-Antler was published initially
to help two groups of Elks reconcile their differences growing out of the
schism that threatened to tear the growing Order apart back in 1895. This
publication was founded in June of that year. It was published from then
until Jan 1927 upon the retiring of the publisher's wife, Mrs Arthur
Moreland. He was a Grand Secretary for 8 yerms. I don't know where it was
published but I suspect it was in NY.
(info found in Elks mag, April 1927)
- Click on the
link to the April 1929
Newsletter for the Los Angeles Elks #99. At 3.6 meg this pdf file
copy is a wonderful look at #99 in its hay day. Before the Depression, they
had 7300 members, an amazing assortment of activities for elks and their
families to do and were preparing to host the 1929 Grand Lodge convention.
To see a short video from an architect's view of this magnificent
- Lodge building click the below.
Membership Campaigns- some really special membership recruitment efforts
that apparently were very successful. Like Atlanta's 5000 campaign where in one
setting, 1200
candidates were initiated. Total crowd of Elks- 7000! Click here.
~ Amusing, intriguing and some incredulous odds and end things you should really know!. click
Many of these pictures and articles can be
viewed in a slide show presentation or even downloaded to your own computer.
Just click on the link on the right. |
Picas photo albums BPOElks History |
- In 1910 Charles Ellis put together a
massive Elk history book. You can now download
Thanks to
Steven Butler @ 5727 N. Baldwin Avenue, Temple City, California 91780.
The CD is searchable by any word and is titled: An
Authentic History of the Benevolent And Protective Order Of Elks. By Charles
Edward Ellis. Published in 1910. The first 473 pages being about the early
history of the Order, and the last 232 about the early history of the Chicago
Lodge. The book contains many of the early songs that were sang in the bar
rooms and bistros.
Links to an archive of
major books and important or interesting
articles of events on this site can be found
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